Many people don’t understand there are many considerations to make prior to hiring an IT consultant. This is a significant job so it is important to make sure the decision being made, is the right decision. To help potential customers in their search to find the perfect IT professional to help them with their needs, we created a guide of considerations to make during the hiring process.

This guide was posted on our behalf and can be found on In our guide, we offer many suggestions. To summarize, we suggest that any one interviewing an IT consultant verify: their knowledge is multi-faceted, they understand networking and they are a jack of all trades when it comes to IT services.

It is also advisable to do proper research on the company or person being considered. Ask for personal and business references and if possible, get feedback from someone who employed them in the past. Another helpful resource are online business reviews because you want to also ensure, that the reputation of the IT professionals are intact and of course, positive.

To follow up be sure to verify the certifications of potential IT hires. It is usually best to hire professionals certified in both, hardware and software. It is also useful to request to see the consultant or company’s portfolio.

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