4 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Cyber Security Threats
Security landscape is changing rapidly. If you think you have it figured out, guess again. The threat actors are always working on “version next” well before we see the attack in the wild. It is unfortunate, but the threat actors are a very sharp group of technologists whose main goals in an attack are disruption, financial gain, public embarrassment, revenge, and even ideology. Having IT Managed Services and Solutions is one way to help keep you and your employees safe.
What can we do? Keeping up to date on the attack types and reasons is your first step. These generally tell us what the bad actors are seeking. Below are 4 ways to help protect yourself and remain safe.
- Education
Like everything, education is the key. You do not have to be an expert, but you do have to be aware of what is going on around you, both physically and digitally. And make sure your company provides you Cyber Security Training annually.
- Enforce least privileged access everywhere.
Ensuring system users only have the right amount of access to tools they need is the premise behind least privileged access. For example, if you are a user and you have an email account, you should not have administrative privileges to your Microsoft Tenant through that account.
- Be prepared for the future.
We have all heard about that Artificial Intelligence “thing” that is now available. Threat actors are already using AI in their threat engagements. Do not be an Ostrich and bury your head in the sand. Remain alert.
- Do not forget about your “inside network” risks.
It is regrettable but the threat may be your employee(s). Exfiltration of data, particularly if an employee is ready to “jump ship” can be your worst nightmare as your intellectual property, your hard work, may walk out the door without you even knowing it.
Protecting yourself in today’s security landscape can be daunting. It is a moving target, different approaches, varied reasons, but in the end, no attack is good for you. Are you prepared? We want to make sure you are. Contact ION Technology Group today at 1.856.719.1818 or service@iontg.com to engage in your security envelope adventure.